Good news for the owners of the Nokia N900 re-emerged. Once able to run MeeGo, this flagship Nokia smartphone has now been able to put on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).
The handset is initially using the Maemo OS is thus proved flexible and able to run many different mobile OS well enough. Gingerbread ported to the Nokia N900 is done by Alexey Roslyakov, a Russian programmer who is better known as DrunkDebugger.
He said that the release of experimental Gingerbread at the Nokia N900 will be available to the public before the end of this year, or about a week longer. Although not perfect but data phones, wifi, and sound has been able to run well while support for other hardware will soon be added.

N900 owners who do not want to take a big risk can try the Android OS 2.2.1 that has been stabilized and will be available by Christmas. While for those who truly curious can wait a little longer, 7 January, to try the taste of Ginger Bread on the Nokia N900.
The handset is initially using the Maemo OS is thus proved flexible and able to run many different mobile OS well enough. Gingerbread ported to the Nokia N900 is done by Alexey Roslyakov, a Russian programmer who is better known as DrunkDebugger.
He said that the release of experimental Gingerbread at the Nokia N900 will be available to the public before the end of this year, or about a week longer. Although not perfect but data phones, wifi, and sound has been able to run well while support for other hardware will soon be added.
N900 owners who do not want to take a big risk can try the Android OS 2.2.1 that has been stabilized and will be available by Christmas. While for those who truly curious can wait a little longer, 7 January, to try the taste of Ginger Bread on the Nokia N900.
5 komentar:
wach,kapan saya punya yang kaya gitu ya...
makasih ka.
unfortunelly i don't have n900 :) but tq for ur info :)
salam sahabat
wow nokia n900 runs android 23 ini lebih kueren yach,maaf ttelat
kira2 harganya berapa ya? Thanks atas infonya, salam kenal
Nokia menjilat ludah sendiri =))
Katanya dulu nggak mau make android, mau ngebesarin symbian, eh sekarang malah pake android jg,,
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