The new facebook layout for PC dekstop now can be enjoyed

After Facebook to Android updated, now look up to the PC also updated. New features that we found on Facebook is the separation of Top News and updates Most Recent Activity.

If the look of the old Facebook you can choose between the Top and Most Recent Activity News, now on
display both the new Facebook look
separated. Top News on the top while the Most Recent Activity found on the bottom which are separated using a line. The middle of the screen contained Tops News and Recent News also can discrolling.

This is Facebook layout before redesign:

new layout facebook, the new design and facebook site interface, facebook redesign

And, here is the new layout:

new layout facebook, new features facebook, the new design and facebook site interface, facebook redesign

Change does not just happen on that alone, Facebook is now on the right side you can see the entire activity of your friends. Like reading the comments friends who gave her
friend commented on Facebook that we do not know, seeing they had been friends with anyone, look at their check-in where, etc.

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